Here are some of our ideas on products our stores will offer.
The stores will sell only healthy and sustainable green energy products and services. The following is a brief break out of some of the products and services which will be available.
Product will vary depending upon the demographics and demand. All products will either be displayed in the store or the shoppers can view them on one of the many large HD display screens in each department which will be connected to the Web. The highly trained sales staff will guide consumers through the stores products and services, options, cost and payback and talk about the energy, sustainability and achieving carbon neutral zero-energy living.
A. Appliances and Electronics: The stores will sell a large amount of high efficiency, high tech energy star appliances and electronic, for the home or office, from HVAC systems, lighting, washers, dryers, dishwashers, ranges, refrigeration, controlled power outlets, A/V systems, computers, printers, to photo voltaic PV, solar thermal, fuel cells, cogeneration, wind, hydro-electric, energy management and lighting control systems
B. Organic food and consumables: local produce, organic frozen foods, waters, natural teas and coffee etc.
C. Clothing: The store will sell very fashionable natural and organic clothing, shoes and accessories from some of the top designers. It is our intentions to make sure the stores clothing and look is extremely fashionable and sustainable.
D. Health and Beauty Supplies: The store will sell top of the line natural and organic health and beauty supplies such as cosmetic, hair, teeth, deodorants, nail, natural vitamins and dietary supplements and supplies along with herbal cold medications etc.
E. Cleaning Products: Natural low VOC cleaning produce for the home, yard, car and office along with plant and yard foods and accessories.
F. Environmental Products: Air and water filtration, humidifiers and dehumidification units, environmental monitoring systems such as VOC, EMF, Mold, radon and carbon monoxide monitoring systems.
G. Books: Organic cooking, green living guides, Sustainable living literature.
H. Music: Each Store will have a large amount of music and videos mainly top 100’s of the past year to current top 10.
I. Toy: Stores will carry the latest in high tech toys such as scooter and small personal transportation devices.